B2B companies lag behind B2C companies when it comes to ecommerce, even though experts agree that the B2B ecommerce market dwarfs that of B2C in terms of potential revenue. Salient differences between the B2B and B2C worlds are largely responsible …
We the people (demand better service) The era of digital transformation currently underway underscores the essential and indisputable role disruptive technology now plays in business success. While digital excellence equates to the masterful utilization of cloud, mobile, social and big …
Black Friday, Cyber Monday by the numbers Traditionally two of the biggest shopping days of the year, Black Friday and Cyber Monday, November 24th and 26th, did not disappoint in 2017. Shoppers opened their wallets, setting records in online purchases …
Work smarter, not harder, with SFA Today’s digitally savvy consumer is well-connected, well-informed and extremely empowered. At ease navigating multiple sales channels and confident in conducting real-time research on competitive offerings, consumers demand convenience and have no tolerance for individuals …