Is the ‘Silver Tsunami’ real, and how will it impact government agencies? Quick answers to these questions are ‘yes,’ and ‘hugely’. Terse and alarming answers, to be sure. Lest there are those who feel dire warnings surrounding massive pending retirements …
Understanding ML & AI First defined in 1959 by Arthur Samuel as a “field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed,” Machine Learning is quickly gaining traction as speed, agility, responsiveness, automation, and personalization …
Retail’s death greatly exaggerated The last few years have seen a bevy of high-profile retailers either go bankrupt or close stores across the country, raising concern that brick-and-mortar retailers are doomed. Just this year (January through August 10), roughly 4,379 …
Why a business process focus is vital to successful transformation As reported in Forbes, by 2018, 67% of the CEOs of Global 2000 enterprises will have digital transformation at the center of their corporate strategies. However, according to a recent …
Transformation: One (Business) Process at a Time Read More »
Waiting on finance CFOs and their finance organizations are under the gun. Growing regulatory controls, a rapidly changing, highly competitive business environment, increased responsibility for guiding business strategy, and the ever-present need to watch the bottom line place unprecedented, unrelenting …
Account Reconciliation – Ground Zero for Digital Finance Read More »
The best of times, the worst of times It has been about 10 years since the US economy fizzled and we suffered through the Financial Crisis. Today, the economy is performing quite well, with gross domestic product growing at an …