A huge shoutout goes to Patrick Nguyen and Daniel DiMarco, both of whom ran in the Chicago Police Department Memorial Foundation’s Run to Remember or Saturday, May 6, 2017.

Dan led the Addison Police Department team and finished with the top time.

Patrick said, “the weather was a bit chilly, but the rain held off. It was a great experience.”



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EoM MaleCongratulations this month goes out to Ram. K. for being AST’s Employee of the Month for April 2017!

Ram is being recognized for his hard work and dedication. On multiple projects, he has worked excess hours on a weekly basis to resolve issues. Ram’s countless time spent on his projects led to a very solid client solution, which resulted in a satisfied client.

His continued work ethic is an example of the best and brightest resources that we have at AST. Years of Ram’s can-do attitude, expertise, client relationships, and dedication has been noteworthy and a great example to our team.

Keep up the great work, Ram!

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shutterstock_620882726When proposing a reporting solution, we seldom account for the complexity of the narrative portion involved. Hyperion tools are sophisticated enough to produce numbers, but working with text data isn’t always easy. Clients are advised to manually insert the text portions of needed reports. Vast amounts of analysis yield numeric and graphic data in a company, but data lone can’t tell a story.

This article–4 Reasons to Refresh Your Narrative Reporting Practices–draws attention to four main reasons why narrative reporting has become such a challenge. It correctly points out the disconnect in the current process, which creates a need for subject matter experts to manage centralized commentary on content.

The inability to collaborate, track ownership, and monitor the progress of narrative content has led to error-prone reporting. The author also makes a case for why it is important for companies to get Narrative Reports right, outlining possible financial implications.

One answer to seamless Narrative Reporting is Oracle Enterprise Performance Reporting Cloud (EPRCS). It is a purpose-built solution in the Cloud for management and narrative reporting. It helps teams combine data with the narrative in a single, secure, collaborative cloud environment. Users can access the system through any device, and start social conversations within the application to collaborate with their colleagues. Because it’s cloud-based, users can access the system from any device.

Narrative reporting doesn’t have to be a headache. There is a link in the article to a white paper by Oracle–‘Reinvent Narrative Reporting with Oracle Enterprise Performance Reporting Cloud‘ that sheds further light on EPRCS as a solution for Narrative Reporting.

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shutterstock_618572621v2Each year at COLLABORATE, awards are presented to individuals and groups that serve the user group community.

The OAUG annually recognizes geographic and special interest groups that achieve excellence, as well as one member each year that has demonstrated a high level of commitment by supporting education, networking, and influence initiatives.

AST is pleased to share that Melissa Sider, our VP of Marketing and Communications, was awarded OAUG’S 2017 Member of the Year! In addition, the North Central OAUG, for which Melissa served on the Board of Directors in 2016, won the GEO of the Year award.

To see the full announcement, as well as view a list of Melissa’s contributions over the years, click here.

We are so proud of Melissa for her tireless work in representing AST in the Oracle community! Congratulations!

OAUG 2017 Member of the Year

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Narrative Reporting with Oracle's Enterprise Performance Reporting Cloud Pre-Webinar ThumbnailStop wasting time sending document versions between people and manually entering financial metrics into your key reports. Oracle’s cloud-based Enterprise Performance Reporting solution offers rapid enablement, low IT costs, and immediate value. Transform your annual financial reports, budget books, or grant reports by easily combining data with narrative text, tapping into knowledge from across the entire organization through secure collaboration.

Join AST for a free and informative webinar Thursday, April 13, 2017 to learn about Oracle’s EPRCS and how you can benefit!

In this upcoming webinar, AST will provide an overview of the Oracle Enterprise Performance Reporting Cloud Service (EPRCS) and will demonstrate how this solution can modernize your narrative reporting processes and inform your decisions.

Research shows that organizations that effectively use narrative reporting benefit from:

  • Higher levels of strategic planning
  • Enhanced communication to internal and external stakeholders
  • Better information to support decision-making

Please join us to witness real-world scenarios from organizations that are delivering powerful collaborative narrative reports–all in a safe and secure environment with minimal capital expenditure.

Space is limited and filling up fast! Register here!

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shutterstock_596651234What a whirlwind of a week! We sure had fun at this year’s COLLABORATE in Las Vegas, didn’t you? It’s now time to pack up our things and head home!

So far, this week, we’ve reconnected with many of our colleagues, built lasting relationship with new faces, stopped by countless receptions and networking events, and given many, many, many presentations!

That counts as a productive week!

Thank you to everyone who attended our presentations, stopped by our booth, and supported our presence at this year’s COLLABORATE! We’re already busy planning our attendance next year!

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shutterstock_600855998COLLABORATE is celebrating its communities tonight, Wednesday, from 7 – 10 PM!

Everyone is coming together on this night to celebrate what a successful week this has been!

The party will be carnival themed and packed with surprises! So why not head out to celebrate one last time before heading home?

We’re really looking forward to this, so we hope you are too! Hopefully, we’ll see you there!

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shutterstock_582131569It’s day 3 of COLLABORATE in Las Vegas, and as always, Team AST is having a blast meeting and reconnecting with people from the industry! Here’s a photo of some members at the booth.

We will be here tomorrow from 9:30 AM – 4:15 PM and on Wednesday from 10:45 AM – 4:15 PM. Stop by Booth 1623 to connect!

Have we told you yet that we’re hosting giveaways at our booth?? Booth 1623, if you’ve forgotten already.

If you haven’t made an appearance at our booth yet, plan to today! We’ll be up here until 7PM. If not, we’ll catch you tomorrow, which is also the last day!

Make sure you stop by before all the prizes are gone! boothh

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shutterstock_600472274Do you have any questions regarding EPM/Hyperion Oracle applications? Are you looking for more in-depth conversations about the subject with industry leaders?

Then come on down to the EPM/Hyperion Reception hosted by COLLABORATE. During the event, users gather together to share ideas, connect, and meet Oracle’s top product executives and developers.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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shutterstock_591103670Welcome to COLLABORATE 2017! We can’t believe we’re finally here, and we are all so excited.

Our experts will be available for discussion starting tonight! Stop by our booth anytime from 5:15 PM  – 8 PM to get a head start! You may find yourself taking home a prize!

Our booth hours will be: Tuesday, April 4 from 9:30 AM – 4:15 PM, and again on Wednesday, April 5 from 10:45 AM – 4:15 PM.

Throughout the week, we’ll be discussing the hottest, most relevant topics in Cloud Applications, EPM/Hyperion, CRM, BI, Middleware, and more!

See you soon, and have fun!

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