AST CEO Visits Pune Office for All-Hands Meeting, Celebration

In May, AST CEO Pravin Kumar visited our offices in Pune, India for vital face time with our offshore teams and an all-hands Town Hall meeting to provide updates and direction for the promising future of AST.
While on-site, Mr. Kumar spent time, one-on-one, with AST’s Offshore Senior Vice President, as well as Practice Directors and Managers, to discuss AST’s business strategies and roadmap to meeting organizational goals, as well as challenges and the solutions to address them. Mr. Kumar delivered the important message of driving positive change and generating exceptional performance and customer value as AST’s Global Delivery Center.
At the Town Hall meeting during the day, Mr. Kumar shared important company updates, then opened the floor for employees to ask questions. To conclude the Town Hall meeting, an awards ceremony was held to recognize champions within our organization for their consistently stellar performances. As a surprise, Mr. Kumar also presented 3 randomly-selected employees with trips to the United States to attend AST’s Annual Meeting and Celebration in January 2020.
The day concluded with an exciting team party that lasted well into the night!

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