Certifications Skyrocket in AST’s Pune Office!

Last week, we posted about our record number of new Oracle Certifications for Team AST – over 125! Well, we already have an update to this astonishing number, and, boy, is it impressive: our team members in our Pune, India office have earned 491 new Oracle Certifications in November!
We’ll give you a moment to let that number sink in…
This addition brings our new Oracle Certification count for November to over 600! Did you even know there were so many Oracle Certifications available? Well, we do, and we’re on our way to having a team with every single one of them.
Congratulations to TeamAST, again, on your record-breaking achievement, and especially to our TeamAST members in Pune who have really gone above and beyond in our race to become a 100% Oracle Cloud Certified team!
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