Data Analytics: Finding the Balance between People, Processes, and Technology

A thorough understanding of the business needs and the proper balance between an organization’s people, processes, and technology are critical components to the successful integration of Business Intelligence and Data Analytics solutions. In order to reach this state, face-time with the appropriate business counterparts is essential. If time isn’t taken to understand what the technical teams and business teams both need out of a solution, the chances for adoption are greatly reduced. Visually appealing functionality only goes so far; the solution must answer the critical questions being asked of the business, otherwise, you may see users reverting to older, less effective methods.
Being part of your organization’s IT team has to mean more than just being a good coder or implementer. You should have a complete understanding of the business you are supporting, and its core needs. In turn, your organization should provide clear direction for the processes it plans to integrate, as well as set defined goals for the people involved.
Juan F. Gorricho, Chief Data and Analytics Officer for Partners Fede, The Walt Disney Company, discusses this critical balance further in his article in CIOReview.
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